Get an invisibility potion or spell, and a potion of Cure Disease.
She'll tell you that the Gray Fox wants a book called "Lost Histories" and that a fellow guild member, Theranis, was already sent to Skingrad to retrieve it--but he hasn't been seen since that time. Well, that's not good.
Fast-travel to Castle Skingrad and go to the dungeon. The guard apparently won't be bribed, but that's okay. Use the invisibility potion/spell and sneak to the right and around the guard. Pick the lock and go through the door.
When you get down to the jail cells, talk to "Larthjar" after getting his disposition up to at least 70 and promising to free him to learn that a "pale lady" has been stealing prisoners. He'll also say that Theranis was taken from the cells a few days earlier.
Now follow the blood trail to the wall, and look to the right to see a set of unlit candles. It's a switch. Activate it and go through the door (be sure to look to your right after entering the door to find another switch that recloses the door).
When you hit a fork, take the left, because the right side is barred. When you come to the end of the hall, there's a switch on the left that opens the wall.
Take the second right, down the ramp. Look for more bloodstains in front of the middle barrel.
Go to the barrel on the right. Standing in front of it, you should look to your left at the pillar, for another set of unlit candles. Seeing a theme here?
Activating it opens the middle barrel. Head on down, and continue to follow the blood path to a very disturbing... "workshop" that has bottles of human blood sitting around. I guess we know about the pale lady's true nature now, huh?
She'll attack. Try to kill her quickly or else you may contract porphyric hemophilia--the vampire's disease. Wait until she's dead to use your Potion of Cure Disease, if you happened to contract the disease. Loot her body for some castle keys.
Look around for Theranis's body and use the space bar to check it. You'll get a quest update and learn that Amusei must be the captured Argonian that was spoken of previously.
After some discussion he'll join you in sneak mode.
I had a LOT of trouble with leading him back, because most of the time I would be halfway across a room before he'd come through a door--thereby getting us both caught.
I figured out a way around this, though.
Go into sneak mode and walk behind Amusei.
Press space and go into the Pickpocket mode...but go down to the bottom of the screen where there are two pictures of bags at the bottom of the screen. Click the left bag--this puts you into reverse-steal mode where you are actually giving them something instead of stealing.
Click on the Skingrad Castle Key that you will have looted from the Pale Lady to give it to Amusei.
Now head back into the Wine Cellar with him. Head straight and turn right when you hit a fork and go through the dining hall door. Go up the stairs and turn right, into the hallway. Save here--because this next area is where you are most likely to be caught.
Proceed into the room and to the right. At the top right corner of the room is a very short corridor/alcove with a door. Go through it.
There will be stairs. Go down them and head out the gate marked the West Weald. Go across the bridge, and then down the path. Once you've gone down it enough (be sure to stay on the gray area that goes through the land like a sidewalk, almots), you'll get a quest notification that will tell you that you've escaped.
Amusei will talk to you. Ask about the book and he'll tell you that it's behind Nerestarel's house. Under a bush, and near a well!
Go on down into town.
When you pass a "building" with a door marked Guard House, turn right and continue your path, but stay against the wall. Follow it.
The book will be just past the well, at this point:
Take it and go back to S'krivva. You'll earn 400 gold, get a promotion, and will get +2 to your infamy.
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