Sunday, May 8, 2011

Arrow of Extrication

This quest opens up after you have sold at least 700 gold worth of stolen goods to a guild fence.

It is a very good idea to have either water-breathing potions or spells for this quest. DO THIS QUEST BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO JOIN THE MAGES GUILD! You have to kill a member of the Mages Guild in this quest and if you join the Mages Guild, then do this quest, you will be suspended from the Mages Guild.

Wait in the Imperial City for a 24 hour stretch and Amusei will appear to you. Seems your helping him has made him turn over a new leaf, as it were!

He says the Gray Fox says to meet him at the house of Malintus Ancrus in Chorrol.

So, fast-travel to the Chorrol South Gate.

Turn left, and essentially hug the wall as you proceed. It's just past Valus Odiil's house and there's a guy in front holding a torch. Yup, this is the place! Go on in.

Seems he wants you to steal the Arrow of Extrication, and he'll pay you 500 coins to do it. It was, he tells you, recently recovered by Fathis Aren, a court wizard. There'll be no blood price on him as long as he is killed outside of the castle.

Start your search in Bravil. Fast-travel there.

Find a beggar and bribe them to learn that Fathis Aren has a tower outside of town that houses his most valuable items. He says that only Fathis himself can open it, but that there is supposedly a secret way in through the castle. Well, we know what to do about this, don't we?

Fast-travel to the castle and go up either side of the stairs behind the throne. There's a door in the middle of the upper platform marked North Wing. You'll have to pick its lock, but if you choose to do this quest at night (as is a good idea) you may have to have some invisibility potions or spells ready.

Anyway, when you get inside, make the first left you can and pick the lock of the wooden door. This is Fathis Aren's room.

Straight across from the door there is a little alcove with two pillars on either side of it. The right one is movable, so activate it. There's a door behind it whose lock you'll have to pick, but it should be no trouble.

Head on down the passage to find...a Dremora enemy! After dispatching him, you'll see two gates, one to your left and one ahead. Try the one ahead first.

Make a right at your first chance and you'll see water. Make your first left after that and then an immediate right when you get into a room. Keep going straight until you reach a room with a dry area on the other side.

Now, this room is filled with water but your map says there's a passage on the left wall in the middle of the room. Clearly it's underwater! Now you use a water-breathing potion or spell, or if you don't have either one of those, prepare to swim fish from a bigger fish.

Go to the middle of the room just above where the map says the passage is, and swim down. You'll see a skeleton on the ground near the passage, so go that way and when you find the opening swim through it like a mad person until you can resurface.

Walk up and turn left at first chance to see some stairs, which you'll go up. Turn right to see a gate which will open up with no trouble. Go on through it.

Turn right after the gate and go down the corridor until you can make a left. There'll be another Dremora here. When you defeat it, turn left to find a gate which will offer no trouble. Proceed ahead to see some water (I found a Nirnroot next to it, if you do as well pluck it!) and then turn right to see even MORE water! Isn't this just a delight. Proceed through here until you find a door marked Wizard's Lair.

Go straight and then turn right when you can, then left and up some stairs. Proceed up more stairs until you reach a gate whose lock you have to pick.

Once you enter, turn right and go until you reach the end of the room, then turn left. Go up and turn right, continuing until you reach another gate. Turn right, go ahead, then left (you'll have to dispatch a conjurer along the way) and go up the stairs. Then turn left and you'll see a door. This is it!

When you exit, there's a staircase to your immediate right which you should go up.

If you explore the place long enough (it only took me the time it took to explore one or two rooms on the upper level) Fathis Aren should show up and try to kill you. Kill him and loot all his keys (a Strange Key, and a tower key, plus a castle key).

On the third "floor" there's a room with a bunch of alchemy ingredients on a table. Pick them up. Behind the table there's a Fathis Aren's chest with a key-shaped arrowhead.

This must be it. So now, let's head back to Chorrol and turn it in.

Your reward will be 500 gold, +2 infamy, a promotion, and access to the best guild fence, Fathis Ules.

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