The misfortune of most Oblivion gates is that they are randomly generated. You could come into one in one save file and what you think is the same gate in another, and it will be different.
That is, beyond this first gate. The first Oblivion gate, the Kvatch gate, is always the same, because it is the first and an example of sorts.
Most of the enemies at this point will be imps.
At the bottom of the trail is a sword. It, however, is rather heavy (22) with a damage of 4. The Steel Shortsword that you likely picked up earlier is only 3 damage, but it weighs much less, only 10.
Depending on how long you stopped to admire the scintillating scenery, when you proceed down to the bottom of the path, one Ilend Vonius will likely greet you. He's one of the soldiers sent into the gate to close it. After you convince him, he'll follow you and help you.
Turn left and proceed down the indicated path. If you turn right, there is a dead end, but there is a fleshy pod with some loot and some enemies as well.
Continue down the path, but be careful.
Falling rocks could prove fatal. They come from this spot.
As you go down the path you will encounter more enemies. Go either left or right when the choice comes to you, they both end up in the same place. The only difference in one (the left one) is that it has fleshy pods.
Keep going up the path until you see this door. Enter it.
Take either door in the room (there is one to your left, and one to your right as well). They both go to the same place. And now the hunt begins for the top! You will likely start seeing more heavily armored enemies now, like Dremora Churls.
You may be tempted to loot their weapons...well, don't. Here's an example of why it's a bad idea: They're heavy. Super heavy.
The Dremora Mace weighs 43, and only has a damage of 2. So don't loot these items. You can loot or buy much lighter items elsewhere that do the same damage.
Head up the ramp and into one of the doors marked The Blood Feast. Go up either ramp and into one of the doors marked Corridors of Dark Salvation.
Once you get to the open area, slay the enemies. The door at the far end of the room won't open so go out the door marked "Plane of Oblivion." Then go across the bridge and through the door marked "Reaper's Sprawl."
After you go up the ramp, a Dremora Sigil Keeper will shout at you because you don't belong there, and you are trespassing. Blah blah blah.
Kill him and loot the Sigil Keep Key from his body.
Now go back down the ramp, across the bridge, and go through the door marked "Citadel Hall Door."
When you get up the ramp, turn right and go through the door marked "The Blood Feast." Go up either side and get onto the Runed Portal to the Blood Feast, then activate it. (Just like with a door)
Turn right and there's a podlike thing marked "The Punished" which should contain 18 gold. Turn left, and go up the ramp and kill the enemies on the way there.
Go through the only door there, the "Sigilum Sanguis."
Up, up, up the ramp we go. Turn right to go into a room with an odd staircase...which you must climb.
Then, once you're up the stairs, go up one of the ramps, and defeat the enemies.
A Sigil Stone rests here. Go up to it, and take it as you would loot that is laying on the ground.
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