Baurus will take a left out of Luther Broad's, and then a right towards an alley that is in between Roderic Pierrane's house and Ra'jhan's house.
Look to your immediate left when you get out of the alley and into an open area with a well.

Take this entrance into the sewers.
Follow Baurus down the stairs, through the corridor, and into a room where you'll find some easily-dispatched crabs. He will turn the crank to open the door (but if on the off-chance he doesn't, you can) and then head down another corridor. Follow him, and continue to do so through another corridor, room, corridor, room--finally leading to a door that goes to the Sewer Waterworks.
Go in.
Continue to follow, on into the sewer room. Then you'll get down into the (ew, nasty!) sewer water and go through the door at the end of the room, to the right of where you came in.
Continue to follow Baurus, and if you get lost, bring up the lesser map, which will show you via a green arrow where he is.
When you get into a room with no door at the end, go up the stairs and make a U-turn and go into the corridor. Keep going until you get into a room with a staircase. (There's a chest in the room with 8 gold, so grab that) You'll go up this one, too.
Go up the stairs and into a room where there's a chest with 12 gold. Get it and then turn right and follow Baurus across the bridge.
Once through the door, follow him down the stairs and through the nearby corridor. There will be a room at the end with a crank (which Baurus will turn) and two crabs.
Go through the door, and keep following Baurus until you come to a metal-bar door. Go through it, too, and into another room.
Then, you go into another corridor that begins at the top left of that room. It leads to a room with another door marked Sewer Waterworks. Enter it.
Make a left to get into another sewer room. Before going further, get the chest that is directly in front of where you come out in this room. It has "Serenity" and 18 gold.
Go down the stairs, into the muck of the sewers, and keep walking. Kill the enemies in the next room and keep going on through the room--do not leave the muck!--and on into the next room.
Before ascending the stairs, check the sack on the left side of the room for a weak healing potion. Then, ascend the stairs and go into the corridor. Then you'll come into another room with a huge flight of stairs, which you will also go up.
Go through the 'door' and into the room where a chest with a poison and lockpicks is. Turn to your right from the chest and then head through the opening; onto a bridge and into another room.
Turn right and continue to follow Baurus to a door that's marked "Elven Garden Sewers." Enter it.
Turn right. Go down the stairs and into more sewer muck (disgusting! Hope your character isn't germaphobic...). Go all the way to the end of the room while still in the muck, and follow Baurus up the stairs on the left side.
Then follow into another room.
Through the next door is the meeting room. Baurus will stop in front of this door and tell you that he is going to go into the meeting. He tells you to go up the stairs to a point where you can oversee the meeting from above. Agree to this and go up the stairs, and through the door.
Go into sneak mode at this point and go up to the very edge of where the door meets the beginning of the bridge.

Here is the good spot.
Listen in for a while. After a period of discussion, the Sponsor will change and attack Baurus. Two others will come out. Kill them quickly, and he (Baurus) will live. Pickpocket all of them. You will find the fourth book, as well as some gold and a Base Ring of Fire Shield (Fire Shield 7% on Self). You will also get sewer keys, which you will NEED.
Baurus says he will let you handle the books and finding the Mythic Dawn. He plans to go to Cloud Ruler Temple and guard Martin.
Go through the door that the Sponsor came into the meeting-room through. If you are not sure of what room this is, look up. If there's a red flag with a design (the Mythic Dawn flag, presumably) then it's the right room. Go up the staircase and into a room.
There is a bed here (a couple, in fact) if you wish to rest, in case you happen to have gained a level.
There's a chest near the door which I don't know the contents of, as I didn't have enough lockpicks at the time. (Feel free to email me or comment with what's in it)
On the nearby bookcase there are more copies of some editions of the Commentaries--pick them up, as you will be able to sell them to First Edition.
There's another chest at the end of the room next to a bed with 30 gold, 2 Lockpicks, and a Petty Soul Stone. Near the same bed, on its other side and next to a box is a chest with 2 Weak Healing Potions.
Now go through the door with the Mythic Dawn flag over it and follow the corridor to the door that is labeled Talos Plaza Sewers. Go through it.
There will be some enemies, and a door to your right. After killing the enemies, try the door to see that it's opened remotely, aka there's a switch somewhere you need to turn in order to open the door.
The switch is next to the door, in between two chests, each of which has potions and one of which has gold.
Now go through the door, up the stairs in the room, and through the winding corridor at the top of the stairs.
Go down the stairs you see here. There's a chest with gold and some Iron Greaves here, but you have to pick the lock.
Go back to the bottom of the staircase that came just after the winding corridor.
Turn directly right, and head directly through the first room and stop in the second. Get into the muck and turn right again once in the second room. Keep going right until you see another door-opening, and go into that room.
Turn directly right, and...VOILA! The crank!
Now head up the stairs in this same room (there is a chest in the short corridor before the bridge, but I didn't have lockpicks. Feel free to post what's inside if you know) and go across the bridge.
Go up the ladder. You are now in the Talos Plaza District, and out of the mucky junkhole that was the sewers! Celebrate! (And maybe bathe too)