Go into the building marked "Weynon Priory" (Weynon House is where you encountered Jauffre the first time, the Priory is the smaller building to the right).
You'll find Jauffre, and some enemies. When you dispatch them, he will say that he thinks that those responsible for this travesty might have stolen the Amulet Of Kings.
Go back to Weynon House and instead of going to the office-area in which you met Jauffre (which is up the stairs and to the right) go up the stairs and to the left.
Jauffre will be there, and after exhausting all of the conversational options, he will tell you to take Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple, which is a bit north of the city of Bruma.
Open your 'world' map, and move it directly Northeast.
Fast-travel to Cloud Ruler Temple.
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