He says you can find it in Miscarcand, an Ayleid ruin. (Hooray...more zombies and goblins!)
Bring up your map and move it between Kvatch and Skingrad.
So there you go.
Once you get there, go down the small winding staircase and through the door. Go down and to the right. Keep going, past a small overlook into a larger room, and once you hit a wall, turn right. Once you get past some zombies, you'll get down the stairs and into the room, where you'll find some welkynd stones. Not the one we want, but small ones.
These babies will completely refill your magicka, so pick them up. They could come in very handy during an emergency.
Once you pick these up, head back up the stairs and go straight down that corridor and through a gate-door.
There'll be an Iron Gate on your right before you enter the gate-door, but you need to push a switch to open it (I.E., it's operated remotely) so just proceed through the gate-door in front of you.
You'll proceed over a bridge and to another Iron Gate that is operated remotely, so jump off the right side of the bridge. There's only one opening on the right side, so go on through it.
These are the switches that open the Iron Gates. So whenever you see one in an Ayleid ruin like this, PRESS IT. It's just a good idea. It just opens up the Iron Gate at the top of the stairs to your left, so perhaps we've got to look for another switch?
Note: I went back and hit the same switch again, and that opened the Iron Gate at the end of the bridge. Looks like I might have just hit a glitch or something.
Once you get past the Iron Gate, go through the door marked Sel Vanua.
Head down the stairs.
When you get into the room, turn to your immediate left and press the switch. Then kill the enemies in the room.
Once that's done, go through the door straight across from the entrance, and head down the stairs to the left.
Head across the bridge, and through a Gate. Turn right and find an Ayleid Chest with a dispel potion. Turn right again and head down the passage. A little ways into the hallway at the bottom of the room, there's another switch, so activate it.
Now turn right into the large room.
Head straight across and through the only door in that direction, marked Morimath. Keep walking and when you reach a wall, turn left, and go on around. When you go through a gate, look to your immediate left. There will be a cask with 33 gold in it. In the Ayleid chest to your right there a cask with a Potion of Cure Disease and a Weak Potion of Sorcery.
Head down the passage and to the left. Here you'll find the Great Welkynd Stone. Turn back around to find yourself being attacked by the King of Miscarcand. Kill him and then loot his body for a Miscarcand Key and a Staff of Diminishing.
Here are its stats:
Drain Agility for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Endurance for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Intelligence for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Personality for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Speed for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Strength for 5 points for 30 seconds
Drain Willpower for 5 points for 30 seconds.
Very, VERY handy stuff!
This doesn't come up when you loot his body, you have to direct your gaze to the staff which is attached to his back. It's a little hard to do, but the staff is well worth the difficulty.
So now, go straight back until you get into a room with a cask. It has a Strong Potion of Chameleon and an Orcish Shield.
Turn right to see a room with two more casks. The one to the right is marked as a Reliquary, and has a Greater Staff of Ruin, a Grand Soul Gem, and 300 gold! The left has a sorcery potion and a charisma potion. Turn to the left of the FIRST cask (the lone one) in the room and go through the door. Follow the path through to a door marked "Miscarcand."
In front of you in this room, there's a switch. Stand on it and the stone will fall away in front of you and make and opening. Go straight through and follow the path out.
When you return to Martin, he says you need only one item more...an "opposite" to the Great Welkynd Stone.
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