She will tell you that it's a practice for secret messages to be hidden amoung such books, and asks you to study the books.
So, open the first volume of the Mythic Dawn Commentaries and look at the first letter of each paragraph.
G-R-E-E-N E-M-P-E-R-O-R.
Now, do the same thing with the second volume.
W-A-Y W-H-E-R-E.
And the third...
T-O-W-E-R T-O-U-C-H-E-S.
And fourth...
M-I-D-D-A-Y S-U-N.
Green Emperor Way, where tower touches midday sun.
Talk to Tar-Meena (be sure that a day has passed). She'll say that she's figured out the first words are the key. Wait another day.
She says that you must go to the gardens around the Imperial Palace. So fast-travel there, turn right, and go until you see this.
Now wait until you get close to noon.
The symbol will glow. Press the space bar to get the location of the Mythic Dawn shrine put onto your map.
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